Saturday, January 23, 2010

American Abortion and Historical Context

January 22, 2010 marked the 37th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 ruling on Roe v. Wade, the case which has allowed for the LEGAL murder of over an estimated 50,000,000 children through abortion.

For a little historical context, an estimated 6,000,000 Jews, gypsies, and others were murdered during the Holocaust. An estimated 10,000,000 (probably a lot more) died in the Ukraine alone under Stalin, known in the Ukraine as the Holodomor, literally meaning "murder by hunger."

Is the situation in our country since 1973 really so much different, just because a court ruled it legal? Is it somehow cleaner because it happens in clinics and not concentration camps? Should it make us feel better that the victims are disposed of in medical waste bags instead of gas chambers? It gives hope to see the thousands of people marching in Washington, and across the nation, every year to say, "No, there is no difference."

This is another reason why good history teachers are vital to the survival of a free society.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR

Seth has gotten his interview with Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR from this year's FOCUS conference up on for everyone to check out. He asks Fr. Groeschel a great question, and he gets a great, and very hopeful answer.

Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pray/Help for Haiti

By now, I'm sure you've probably heard about the massive 7.0 magnitude earthquake which struck the Caribbean nation of Haiti, only a few miles outside of the capital city of Port-au-Prince. From the looks of it, this is a truly massive disaster for a country ill-equipped to deal with the chaos and destruction in the aftermath.

The people of Haiti need our combined prayers now more than ever. Even the beautiful national cathedral couldn't with stand the massive quake. The Haitian people need food, water, medicine, and spiritual support.

If you can, please consider donating to an established aid organization such as Catholic Charities/Catholic Relief Services to give much needed help in, which no doubt will be a long and arduous recovery.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Another Anti-Catholic Obama Nominee

News came down today that the Obama administation has reintroduced extremely pro-abortion
law professor/lawyer Dawn Johnsen for the top position at the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel.

In the 1980s, Johnsen was part of the legal gang who sought to strip the Catholic Church of it's tax exempt status due to it's public pro-life stance. Johnsen, along with the abortion big dogs, NARAL, filed a suit which eventually failed. Despite that failure, I think a disturbing history is rather evident.

Wait a second...wasn't she already nominated for something last year?

Is it just me, or is this administration using "Are you Anti-Catholic?" as a question on its nominee application?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010 Update

Quick lil' update on Seth's trip. The Focus Conference is over and the website is up and running. Seth's got a handful of interviews up already. There's an interview with an college athelete, an artist, a Capuchin friar, a seminarian, and a couple more.

Plus, it sounds like Seth should be posting an interview he had with Fr. Benedict Groeschel, very cool!

As always, go to to check on his progress and give him a hand. There's also a facebook site for all you facebookers out there.

Pray that Seth will survive the arctic temps currently engulfing Florida

Saturday, January 2, 2010 is a Go!

The beginning of the new year means the FOCUS conference in Florida is coming to an end and Seth DeMoor is starting his bike ride through the south, collecting story after story of Catholic life in America today. is the place to check out his progress, and I'll be doing my best to keep up with him on the trek. When you're on the trail, a lot can happen, so check back often.
An interview with artist Gwyneth Holston is the newest video, not to mention an interview dealing with daily Mass.

If you're along the road he's on, don't be shy! If you can give him a hand with a meal or a place to crash (sleep, not an actual bike crash), please do so!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Quick Look at 2009

Happy New Year everyone! 2009 was an interesting year in a lot of ways. Politics was a big player. A new president, contraversial legislation, Iran, terrorism, a sorry economy...and that's just to name a few. All of these and more I definitely see as continuing on into the new year.

In my world, I made the University Honor Roll, and started this fun lil' blog.

In the Church, two popes made steps towards official sainthood, John Paul II and Pius XII. Our current Holy Father was jumped prior to Mass on Christmas Eve, and still held Mass! Us Bavarians are a stubborn bunch.

I pray everyone had a great New Year's Eve and solute everyone who made it to Mass this morning. I wonder what mysterious mysteries 2010 will hold for us?

God Bless!